15 Achieve Excellence | - 14 In addition to identifying a novel subtype and allowing high-risk early stage patients to receive earlier close monitoring and therapy, the research team further discovered the correlation between lung cancer and the prevalence of endogenous APOBEC mutagenesis in the human body as well as environmental carcinogenesis. These research results provided an additional dimension to cancer biology, as this study represents the first collaboration between Taiwan and the US to fight cancer using proteogenomics and precision oncology. An article describing the results of this project was published in the international journal Cell (2020). In undertaking this research project, AS’s Institute of Chemistry collaborated with the Institute of Statistical Science and the Institute of Information Science, as well as scientists from different research institutions such as Dr. Pan-Chyr Yang from National Taiwan University. The research team established the first deep proteogenomics landscape of non-smoking lung cancer in East Asia, and discovered possible pathogenic mechanisms for nonsmoking lung cancer patients. Taiwan-US Cancer Moonshot Project–The First Proteogenomics Landscape of Non-Smoking Lung Cancer in East Asia “Over 90% of female lung cancer patients in Taiwan are never-smokers, posing a huge contrast to common perceptions about the association between smoking and developing lung cancer. Our findings have provided new insights into treatments for early stage lung cancer in neversmokers.” –Yu-Ju Chen, Distinguished Research Fellow, Institute of Chemistry